Adventures in Australia

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mornington Penninsula

We're going to have a lot of gaps to fill in when we get home!

We spent yesterday and the day before visiting with people Chris remembers, old friends and coworkers and neighbours. We will do more of that tomorrow.

Today, however, we got in the car and drove for two hours down to Mornington Penninsula, both to see the ocean and because it's wine country. Mornington Penninsula is the bottom east land that encircles Port Philip Bay (the huuuge bay Melbourne encircles).

We arrived at Dromana Estate winery a bit past noon, and while we were a bit apprehensive about being the only people there, everything was clean and attractive, we were hungry, and there was a roaring red gum fire in the fireplace next to our table.

I ordered a glass of the estate's Sauvignon Blanc Semillon, and Chris had a glass of Chardonnay. We started with fresh homemade bread that was served with a delicious semi-dry tomato, garlic, parmesan cheese and capsicum pesto. Yummm! We chose the same thing for lunch, which was a bed of angel hair in braised mushrooms and garlic with a thinly pounded chicken breast wrapped around a tiger prawn and spinach mousse.

It was SO GOOD! It was the kind of very rich and complicated food that I normally avoid, but it was done to perfection and went beautifully with the yummy wine. After lunch, we spent a little time in their tasting room, and picked up a couple bottles of wine.

From there we went on to Sorrento Back Beach, which was a section of the beach that faces the open ocean. From where we stood, there was nothing between us and Antarctica except possibly Tasmania.

Then we crossed over to the Front Beach, from which we looked out over the Bay. It's very shallow and sandy. We had a couple cookies, walked out on a pier, then drove back. At one point we could just see the high rises of downtown Melbourne over the water.

A very nice day!

Tomorrow we are starting with a trip to the factory outlets, then lunch with Chris' former coworkers, then I'm not sure what- possibly sheepskin slipper shopping, possibly room cleaning, possibly being lazy- then we're possibly doing something with all the neighbours Chris grew up with. Not sure yet.

Hard to believe there's less than a week left!