Adventures in Australia

Thursday, June 08, 2006

We're Here!

Not a long post, the ground is still moving. We're here safely after a very long trip, and it's nice to breath fresh clean air again. It's cool and damp here, but apparently that's unusual, it's normally very dry. It has rained three times today and everyone is very glad I brought the BC rain with me! Everything is lush and green and lovely, and when the sun does come out it is very warm on my skin.

Long plane rides are bad!

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Plan

It's now only two days until we leave. On Wednesday June 7 we fly from Victoria to Vancouver at 2pm. Then we fly from Vancouver to Los Angeles, and finally from Los Angeles to Brisbane. We'll be crossing the International Dateline, so we land in Australia on the 9th of June even though the flight doesn't really take two days.

We'll spend nearly a week with Chris' father and stepmother near Brisbane (We'll be going to Australia Zoo, home of Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter!) then we'll fly to Sydney for two nights before heading down to Melbourne for the remainder of the trip. I'm getting very excited.